Mobile Learning

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Mobile Learning Banner

Getting Started with Mobile Learning

Mobile Apps

Many of our eLearning supported software tools have mobile apps that allow students to access and use learning technology on their mobile devices. The resource list below will help you get started using the most common mobile apps.

Canvas Student

Download: iOS Links to an external site., Android Links to an external site.

Canvas Student brings many of Canvas' most used features to your mobile device. 

Canvas Student Resources


Download: iOS Links to an external site., Android Links to an external site.

Access Zoom meetings from your phone or smart device using Zoom's mobile apps.

Zoom Mobile Resources


Download: iOS Links to an external site., Android Links to an external site.

Access Zoom meetings from your phone or smart device using Zoom's mobile apps.

Panopto Mobile Resources

Obtaining a Mobile Device

We are working on options for providing mobile technology for students. Please check back again soon for updates.