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Weekly Work Rubric - 10 points
Weekly Work Rubric - 10 points
Criteria Ratings Pts
Description of criterion
threshold: pts
10 pts
Submission meets or exceeds assignment tasks. Generally well edited. Answers all questions fully and completely.
7.5 pts
Submission meets basic assignment tasks. Submission answers all or most questions/tasks fully, but could use further elaboration for clarity. May not be well edited. OR, assignment was submitted past the original deadline and is eligible for a maximum score of 75%.
5 pts
Submission doesn't meet basic assignment tasks, though attempts a response to the prompt. May not be well edited. May only answer a portion of the questions or be significantly short of length requirements.
0 pts
Submission meets no assignment tasks. May be plagiarized.
10 pts
Total Points: 10 out of 10