ENGL234 OER - Introduction To Myth/Folk Story

Welcome to an Introduction to Mythology!

1122, Sec 01; Bdg 12, rm 140, 10:30-11:20

Professor Sheri Gietzen (Geet-sen)

Course Description

A comparative study of myths and folklore throughout the world. Emphasis is on the commonality of concerns and values expressed by both western and non-western cultures and on the literary value of myths and folklore.

Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri from 12:30-1:30 in Bldg F-1 office 63 (downstairs on the right). My job is to work with you to strengthen your writing so that you can communicate your ideas effectively and succeed in school. Classroom work will help, and working with me and others outside the classroom will help even more. Come on by!

Contact Information

Outside of office hours, the best way to get a hold of me is through email: sgietzen@tacomacc.edu or message me in Canvas. I usually check my email daily and will try respond within 24 hours. My office phone number is 253-566-5083.

Teaching Philosophy

I am a Universal Design Learning instructor: I believe students learn in different ways, so the course will include multiple learning modes, including assigned readings, videos, film, your own writing, group work, and presentations. I believe college classrooms include a process wherein the instructor, the student, and class cohorts collaborate and analyze together as the course material progresses. Your own critical thinking and observations are key as we move together toward mastery of the course, discovery of the “truth” embedded in mythology.

Textbooks, Supplies & Technology 

We do not have a traditional textbook for this course, so there is no required book to purchase. Instead, we are using a compilation of open educational resources (OER) and library resources, which are freely available resources at no extra cost to students, including readings, videos, and learning activities. All course content is in Canvas in Modules or will be hard copy (handed out in class), or films shown during class time.

You will need to have TCC email access and be able to work through Canvas. For help with Canvas, go to the Information Technology Building, Bldg 16, on the first floor in the Information Commons.

Evaluation Criteria & Grading Standard

Three Essays,  Each Worth                    20%         A    93-100            C    73-76

Group Project “Hero’s Journey”         20%         A-  90-92                C-  70-72

Identity Wheel/Cultural Iceberg       10%         B+  87-89              D+  67-69

Attendance/Participation                     10%          B    83-86              D    63-66

                                                                                                   B-   80-82              D-   60-62

                                                                                                   C+  77-79              E     0-59

Classroom Policies

  • Assignments: All coursework is in Canvas in Modules. Each week’s work and due dates are posted there. Canvas assignments close automatically. You may submit assignments early. But you may only receive half credit for turning in a printed copy of an assignment, and only if it is turned in within three days of the due date.
  • Attendance:Your participation is important! I expect you to be in class everyday. Because life can sometimes get complicated, I will allow three absences. The fourth absence will be 5% of your attendance grade, and a fifth absence will be the other 5% of the attendance grade. More than six absences and you will fail the course.  **However, if something out of your control happens that affects your attendance, please see me so we can discuss options for you.
  • Coming late or leaving early is a distraction to me and your classmates. Entering the classroom late will result in lost points toward your attendance grade. Coming in late and/or leaving early four times equals one absence. 
  • Should you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get notes from your classmates and/or handouts/assignments from me. I’m happy to meet with you to talk about what you missed during office hours.
  • In consideration of your classmatesbe on time and turn off your cell phone.
  • No texting or use of technologyunrelated to this class allowed during class time.  I am strict on this point!
  • You may bring food to class, but please be aware of noise.*crackle crackle*


Me with my granddaughter Sequoia on

St Patrick's Day, Irish Festival, Seattle, 2019

College Closure and Class Cancellation: 566-5000

Should TCC close for weather or other extenuating circumstance, information about school closures, partial or total, will be available at 253-566-5000 (a recorded message will give the caller up-to-date information on closures) or on the TCC home page by 6:15 a.m. www.tacomacc.edu

(a message will be placed there only if the college will be closed)













Course Summary:

Date Details Due